Monday, October 2, 2017

eARCs I really need to read this month

I am terrible at keeping up with my eARCs. I should probably not admit this, but I still have eARCs on my Kindle from 2014. The problem is mainly that I am a mood reader, and if I'm not in the mood for certain eARCs, I don't read them before their pub dates. However, after looking at all the amazing books coming out this month that I actually have eARCs of, I am definitely in the mood for a bunch of them, and even if I'm not, I'm going to try to prioritize them anyway.

1. That Inevitable Victorian Thing - E. K. Johnston

This book sounds like a really interesting combination of things, mainly Britishisms and a futuristic setting. It sounds like it will have some historically-minded elements like balls and tea parties, so I'm very curious to see how that will fit in with the futuristic aspects of the story. Genetically arranged match-making isn't necessarily new in futuristic YA, but the combo of historical/futuristic is, and I've only really seen one other book like it, the Landry Park duo. This book just sounds super fun and unique, so I'm curious to see how the concept holds up.

2. This Darkness Mine - Mindy McGinnis

I'm embarrassed to say I still haven't read The Female of the Species. However, this book sounds right up my alley, with mysteriously absorbed twins and possible dual personalities. I started it a while ago but got distracted by something else, but remember the writing being super sharp and very intrigued by the story. Mindy McGinnis is definitely a hidden gem among the YA community, and I'm really excited to read this psychological thriller from her.

3. Like Water - Rebecca Podos

I honestly don't remember what this one is about, but I do remember thinking it sounded interesting when I first read about it. I read her first book, The Mystery of Hollow Places, and thought the writing was pretty good, so I imagine it will be even better in her second. My main reason for reading this one is honestly the fact that it has a bisexual protagonist, which is pretty rare in YA, so the rest of it almost doesn't matter to me because of the bisexuals.

4. Wild Beauty - Anna-Marie McLemore

I haven't been having that great luck with magical realism lately, but I want to give this author a try because she seems to be a hidden gem amongst the YA community, and that cover is super pretty. I've been meaning to read her first book, When the Moon Was Ours, since it came out (and I got an unread eARC...), but this one is the priority since it comes out super soon. I started reading it a while ago and did like it, but got distracted by other books and wasn't quite in the mood for magic-y things yet, so hopefully the mood will strike me once again soon.

5. Top Ten - Katie Cotugno

I loved Katie Cotugno's 99 Days and enjoyed How to Love, so I'm excited to read another book by her. I couldn't get into Fireworks for some reason, but maybe if I love this one, I'll try it out again due to Katie Cotugno withdrawal. This one sounds really fun, with a possible friends-to-lovers romance trope, which is one of my favorite romantic tropes, so of course I need to read it. 

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