Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Books I've Added to my TBR List Recently

All bookworms know that the TBR list is a never ending, ginormous, monstrous beast that never stops growing and that you will never finish no matter how many hours a day you have to read. Does this make us sad? A little, but it's also exciting to know that there are so many amazing-sounding books out there. Below I'll be sharing some of the books I've recently added to my own massive TBR list.

This book sounds so sweet and I am so excited for it. It's about Martin, an American autistic teen living in Paris who falls for a girl he thinks is a real-life incarnation of a character from his favorite book. Diverse + France + bookishness? I am so here for this. 

I don't know how I'm still in the mood for more psychological thrillers after This Darkness Mine, but apparently I am because I still really want to read The Wicker King. This book is about a boy whose best friend starts to show signs of degenerative hallucinatory disorder, and he tries to help his friend by going along with his quest in a fantasy world ruled by the dark Wicker King, and starts to lose track of what's real and what's not. Fantasy + psych thriller? Yes, please!

The final sentence of the Goodreads summary of this poetry collection is "Make a cup of tea and let yourself feel." It's a little corny, I guess, but I like tea and feelings (lol no I do not like feelings can I shut all of them off forever please), so that made me want to read it even more. I discovered this book because it's by the same publisher as Rupi Kaur's books and as Amanda Lovelace, so I thought I'd go through the rest of their poetry books to try and discover some more contemporary poetry, since apparently poetry is a thing I read now. 

I have something shameful to admit: I still haven't read Riley Redgate's second book, Noteworthy. This is shameful for three reasons. First, I loved her first book, Seven Ways We Lie. Second, it has a bisexual protagonist, which means it automatically goes on my TBR list. Third, it's about MUSIC which is my THING. Bisexual musicians? So there for it. But apparently not, since I still haven't gotten around to it, which I must do before Final Draft comes out. Final Draft is about a writer, and even though books about teen writers can be hit or miss for me, I have a feeling Riley Redgate can pull it off. Must read. Need now. Why is June 2018 so far away. 

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