Sunday, October 22, 2017

Weekly Rewind 10/16-10/21

It's the end of one week and the beginning of another, and last week was not an easy one. It's been very tough for me emotionally since I've been having friendship troubles, lack of friends, and all the #metoo stuff from the past week. I finally broke down last night in the middle of the read-a-thon and let it all out and feel a little better, but I'm still just feeling a little fragile and emotional in general.

But, I still managed to post a little bit last week. Here's what I wrote:

- a roundup of terrible book covers on NetGalley (like, they didn't even try with some of these)
- I tried to look at the positive with this list of things that are actually making me happy lately
- a bunch of posts for Dewey's 24-Hour Read-a-Thon, including the opening survey, book recs for the past 10 years, readathon memories from previous years, and the closing survey

I really wanted to stay up for the entire 24 hours, but I think the breakdown kind of derailed that and tired me out halfway through. I also got lost as to what to read when I finished Gentleman's Guide because it was good and I was tired and didn't want to think. I wish I had been able to do a full 24 hours, but maybe some weekend when I don't work I'll try it again on my own just for fun. Plus, there's always the April read-a-thon, and who knows what the heck I'll be doing in April.

I also read three books this week, and all of them were good, although bone, the poetry collection, was not as good as I was hoping. However, both YAs were fantastic, and I hope I continue to have fewer 3-star reads than I've been having this year.

I also made two trades, one for The Cruel Prince, which I absolutely cannot wait to read, and one for the black, no-cover ARC of Matched for my collection of that trilogy. I'm still trying to find Crossed and Reached ARCs, but I will have a nice collection of the first one at the very least. I also won another Goodreads giveaway for The Raven King, and now only need an HC of The Dream Thieves to complete the Raven Cycle. I really want to wait until I own all of those books before I start reading them because I have a feeling I'm going to want to binge the whole series, so I really need to get my hands on The Dream Thieves ASAP because it's about damn time I read that series. Oh, and my mom bought me the new Golden Compass book, La Belle Sauvage, so that's pretty exciting. I'm so nervous/excited to get back into that world, since it was one of my all-time favorite series as a kid. 

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