Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Fall Mini-Bloggiesta Goals & Tasks

Since I've just started blogging again, I have to think all over again about branding, what I'm going to post when, what I'm going to be writing about, have a useful about me page...basically, I have a lot of blog-related things I need to get in order. Fortunately, it's time for another mini-Bloggiesta challenge! When I used to blog, I loved doing Bloggiesta because it would help me get my bloggy priorities in order and help me set up a to-do list for myself, and I would spend the weekend or week being super productive. Bloggiesta is basically a blogging marathon challenge with the goal of getting done what needs to be done on your blog from basics like posts that need to be written to the more conceptual like nailing down your brand.

After browsing a lot of lifestyle and librarian blogs, I have a lot of ideas for things I need to do during this mini challenge, which runs this week from September 21-24 (that's enough time to get this all done, right?) I want my blog to be fun to read, but also be a resource and be something I can put on a resume or talk about in a cover letter in the future when I start applying to full-time library jobs, and I can't do that with a blog that's not up to par. 

So, without further ado, here are the things I hope to do during this round of Bloggiesta:

- Branding
     - Branded tagline
     - Branded mini "about me" section
- Professional things
     - add a "professional details" section
     - add CV w/ coursework samples
     - add visual resume
     - add librarian-related interests somewhere inc. professional goals and what I like to read
- Posting stuff
     - create a library-related feature
     - make basic schedule for what days I'll post certain post types by category (books, pop culture,              lifestyle, librarianship)

Is this enough stuff? Yes. Is it too much stuff for four days? Maybe. Still, I'm excited to get all of this in order and spruce things up around here and really nail down branding stuff and things like that. I also plan to participate in at least one Twitter chat and two mini-challenges if they align with my personal bloggiesta goals, so we'll see if I can add that later. Let's hope I can pull it all off!!

What are your plans for this Bloggiesta?


  1. Oooh, this list is lovely. I especially like the branding and CV aspects. Good luck and I hope to see you at the finish line!

    1. I hope to see myself there too, haha. Good luck to you, too!

  2. Thanks! Good luck on your tasks, though I see you've already got some started :)

  3. What an adorable blog name.

    Excellent list, but may I know what "branding" is please?

    Have fun on the Bloggiesta. Saw your link on Twitter.

    Silver’s Reviews

  4. Looks like a good list :) I am only a few months into blogging again so I get what you mean about having to think about those start-up things all over again :) Good luck with your list - mine is lots smaller lol.

    :) Megan
    Ginger Mom & the Kindle Quest

    1. I know, right? There are so many little things to think about that I forgot from blogging before. Good luck to you, too!

  5. Love the name of this Blog, too cute. I hope you ave a wonderfully productive Bloggiesta!

  6. Thank you so much! Here's to hoping I don't decide to change it a million times like I have in the past, lol.

  7. I have a librarian blog, too, so I also have the concern about balancing the personal and professional in my blog. I used to read a lot of YA, but it's not part of my job anymore, so I don't read it as much as I'd like to. I love the stripes on your blog!
