Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Books I've Acquired Lately That I'm Excited to Read

I've acquired a lot of books lately, and today, I'd like to share some of the ones I'm most excited about. Oh, who am I kidding? I'm excited about everything! I'll be sharing a mix of trades, publisher acquisitions, and eARCs I've gotten recently that I'm excited to read.

The Belles - Dhonielle Clayton

I was super psyched to get this one via a #booksfortrade (oh, the joys of Twitter!) I had an eARC of it, but really wanted a physical copy because it is so pretty and I have a feeling I'm going to end up wanting to own it. I don't automatically reach for fantasy, but I always enjoy it when I do, and this particular fantasy sounds very unique and interesting. It's about a girl who wants to be the best Belle in Orleans, a city where people are born gray and need the Belles to add color to them (at least I think. Fantasy plots are always so complicated to explain). Plus, the heroine is a black girl, which is pretty unusual for YA fantasy, and I'm all about pushing diverse books!!

The Brightsiders - Jen Wilde
Little Do We Know - Tamara Ireland Stone

Actually, I don't know much about either of these books, but clearly something made me request them on NetGalley. The Brightsiders is another queer release with fantasy hair color aesthetics from Jen Wilde, author of Queens of Geek, which I still need to read, and this one is about rockstars! I love books about music and bands, so this one is sure to be a contemporary win for me. As for Little Do We Know, I've been meaning to give Tamara Ireland Stone a try for a while now, and this one sounded quite good, though of course as I'm writing this post I can't remember a darn thing it's about, but I'm pretty sure a broken friendship is involved.

Depression and Other Magic Tricks - Sabrina Benaim

This poetry collection was a Hannukah gift from my boyfriend, since poetry is the only genre we can agree upon. I may be done with this by the time this post is published, but as I'm writing it, I've only read a few of the poems, but thus far, I'm in love with it. I'm not usually one for longer poems, but Benaim's poetry is very accessible and readable. I also relate to it super hard because of my own experiences with depression, and think she captures all the nuances of the illness so perfectly and heartbreakingly.

9 Days & 9 Nights - Katie Cotugno

99 Days was one of my favorite books the year it came out, and I literally shrieked with excitement when I discovered that not only was there going to be a sequel to it, but that I discovered it because I'm autoapproved for HarperCollins books on Edelweiss. I am so worried for Molly Barlow in this book, but I also can't wait to see what happens. Plus, I love the symmetry of the titles: 99 Days and 9 Days and 9 Nights is just too perfect a duology. 

The Hazel Wood  - Melissa Albert
If You Don't Have Anything Nice to Say - Leila Sales
In Search Of - Ava Dellaria
A Girl Like That - Tanaz Bhathena

I got a bunch of amazing books from Farrar, Straus, & Giroux and one from Flatiron that I am so, so, so excited for!! The Hazel Wood is one I've already read, but it was probably my favorite read of 2017, and I definitely plan to read it again in 2018 because it was that good, even though I'm not a big rereader. If You Don't Have Anything Nice to Say sounded like a really interesting contemporary: it's about a girl who says something offensive on social media and has to deal with the consequences. I'm interested to see how this is dealt with. 

In Search of Us is about a mother-daughter pair and tells their stories when both are seventeen. This sounds like a very interesting storytelling method, and I'm excited to see how it turns out. As for A Girl Like That, I knew I had to read this one a) because of the awesome cover, and b) because it's set in Saudi Arabia. I've never read a YA novel set in Saudi Arabia, and only read a couple others set in the Middle East, so I'm very intrigued by this novel as well.

The Way You Make Me Feel - Maurene Goo

I didn't love Goo's debut, Since You Asked, but she totally stole my heart with I Believe in a Thing Called Love, which was one of the most adorable books of 2017. This book is by far one of my most anticipated 2018 reads, right up there with Katie Cotugno's new book. The fact that the main character has to work on her father's food truck for the summer makes it all the more exciting for me, because I love foodie books and I hope this one delivers all the foodie (and romantic, of course) goodness! I am ridiculously thrilled to have an eARC of this and can't wait to start reading it.   

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