Sunday, November 5, 2017

Weekly Rewind 10/30-11/4

It's November! It is the time of Thanksgiving prep, including stressing about spending time with your family, of Remember Remember the Fifth of November, and, most importantly, of NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month, in which thousands of crazy people take part in a challenge to write a novel (50,000 words) in a single. Month. Because we are crazy.

Usually when it gets to be NaNo time, I think about doing it, write for about two days, then quit because it seems like an insurmountable task. This time, it's day five and I'm still going! At the time this post was written, I even had 8,110 words of my (hopefully) glorious bisexual bookish novel done. To be fair, four pages of it were about her having breakfast because I couldn't think of a way to move the plot along, but hey; it's a first draft; they're supposed to be terrible.

This year, I am determined to write all month, even if I don't get to 50,000 words (but I'll secretly feel like a huge failure if I write all month but don't manage to reach 50,000 words). Then, I plan to edit and revise like a crazy person and submit my novel to pitch contests like #PitMad and #PitchMas. So I'd better stop blogging and keep writing the damn novel.

So far though, I've managed to keep up with the blogging alongside the writing, which is totally bananas. Here's what I wrote about on the blog this week:

- I posted my October rewind, where I talked about my favorite and least favorite books of the month and other monthly happenings (Gentleman's Guide and This Darkness Mine and The Hazel Wood were the clear book winners)
- I wrote about things to do as a millenial stuck at home on Halloween (I only did a couple of them while watching reruns of the last season of Top Model)
- I talked about my goals for this season of NaNoWriMo
- I expressed my weird worries about character names (although I think I've found a name for my MC now)

I also tweeted a bunch about NaNo, and even interacted a bit with Cait of Paper Fury, who is my favorite blogger of all time, aside from Jamie of The Perpetual Page Turner. This was very exciting for me, as I am a teeny tiny blogger and Cait is a big huge celebrity blogger and I am also very shy about talking to other bloggers online because I fear I am not worthy of their attention, so this was a big deal to me.

Also, people keep liking my NaNo tweets and following me on Twitter and it's bonkers! I have never interacted with people this much online and it is weird but I like it.

I also started reading The November Girl by Lydia Kang, which I read a very early draft of as an editorial intern for Entangled Teen (I said yes to it, of course), and I'm very excited that it's being published and that it's even more amazing than it was the first time I read it.

How was your week? Are you participating in NaNoWriMo?

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